Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend (Past and Present)

Your weekend:

In the years past I've taken advantage of nearly every three-day weekend, and then some.  To be fair I took advantage of the two day weekends, too - and let's not forget Thursdays.... Anyways, in the past I've been almost happy to come back to work in order to give my liver (and kidneys) some much needed rest and relaxation.  My ears would still be ringing, face sore from smiles and laughter, and my head left spinning attempting to suture together the 'memories' I ripped through.  The memories would clear up a little from the heinous Facebook pictures I'd be tagged in, or maybe they'd become even more foggy.  No doubt a few new friend requests would be awaiting my approval on the slew of social media sites I blabbed about being proficient at over the three-day voyage.  By 11 A.M. I would've downed about 100 oz. of water trying to replace the small pond I'd exchanged over the weekend for cigarettes and beer.  This was about the time I swore off smokes once and for all; I could practically see the tar stained to my fingers.  Lunch was approaching and that was a dilemma all its own.  I knew I should eat something because the 4,000 calories I took in over the extended break from work, 95% of which came from beer, wasn't exactly the nourishment my internal organs desired.  Even knowing this I was well aware that my hangover could go from slightly troubling to insufferable with just one too many drops of grease.  Usually tragedy was averted and I came out the other side of lunch no worse for wear.  By the end of the work day I felt mediocre enough to look forward to a large dinner and 10 hours of low grade coma.

My weekend:

If you read my previous post you'll know I've given up the sauce for a bit.  The obvious effect of laying off the hooch is a totally off base name for my blog.

abundant in supply or quantity.
"she took copious notes"

drink (alcohol).
"they were imbibing far too many pitchers of beer"

Since that, by definition, is out of the cards for the elongated weekend of subject I'll try and make some comparisons from years passed to where I find myself today:

  • As I said above, in the past I was relieved to come back to work and find some semblance of structure.  That simply isn't the case this year - apparently it's frowned upon to make toast in your robe around 10 A.M., but it had simply become part of my routine in the last three days.  It's OK though, our office didn't have nearly enough butter for my toast/taste so it would've just been a tease.
  • Ears ringing, face sore, and mind run ragged from mental surgery (who writes this stuff?!).  My ears are just fine this year.  Aside from watching Netflix with my headphones so I didn't wake my girlfriend I don't think they even broke a sweat.  Is my face sore?  In a way... you know how sometimes when you fall asleep for ten hours on your face it hurts when you wake up?  Yeah, my face was sore.  Is my mind reeling from overload?  Yeah, I watched like six episodes of Lost so I'm confused about life itself.  
  • No tags on Facebook.  Not one.  I did get invited to try Candy Crush and Body Wraps, though.  Two digital jabs at my ever-increasing waist line... cool.
  • Guess how many friend requests I had?!  None...  In fact, I think I offended some people enough I lost some followers.  Somehow I still view this as successful.  If Miley (http://www.mileycyrustongue.com/) taught me anything she taught me horribly offensive, repulsive behavior is totes the norm.  
  • 100 oz. of water was converted into a cup of coffee and a coconut water.  I'd like to add shame on you Naked for making pineapple flavored coconut water.  FOR SHAME!
  • I don't smoke unless I drink, and we covered that above.  Keep up.
  • Lunch today will be a feast with no regret.  
  • By the end of work today I will have actually gotten work done.  I'll also have done most of my personal banking and bought myself a sweet little birthday gift (Oh, Tanner, you shouldn't have!!)
    • Birthday gift and shameless plug: My friends released their album The Cynic Circus, you should all buy like twelve copies.
  • I guess the only thing that stayed the same is I still plan on going home, having a huge meal, and sleeping for a cool 10 hours.

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