Monday, August 26, 2013

Pregnancy, Consolidation, and Cellaring


Yep, that's right.  Not only did this beautiful girl and I start dating, but we got a little (read: huge) surprise almost right away.  The picture pretty much sums it up, we're pregnant, and I can't even begin to put into words how immediately terrifying it is thinking about raising a child when you view yourself as one.  What if there is only one bag of fruit snacks left?  I bought them, they should be mine, but I bet the baby will get all the sympathy.  I shudder to think of the vain, vapid, and selfish thoughts that will fill my internal monologue.  Aside from my internal monologue (we'll refer to him as Jiminy from now on (you know, like Jiminy Cricket?? (like the anthropomorphization of our conscience?????))) I felt an intense swell in pride and, for lack of a better word, manliness.  Other than what Jiminiy said, and let's face it he's a sarcastic asshole, I had an internalization that this experience would allow me to become the man I've always wanted to be.  A co-worker with kids once told me something to the effect of "when you have kids you just try to get into their twenties while inflicting as few psychological scars as possible".  Seems like good advice.  Back to that 'man I want to be' thing... still trying to figure out exactly what that is, but for now suffice it to say I want to be able to juggle the following: providing for my family, excelling in my career, possibly opening my own business (another blog entry in itself), maintaining and participating in meaningful friendships, eating healthy, playing/performing music, and countless other things including becoming POTUS.  Funny thing is I can't even juggle to begin with.  All jest aside this is something I'm immensely excited about and am sure will become the topic of many later blogs if I ever have time - which I've been told emphatically "I WON'T".


So, I'm an only child - sorry, Brianne.  So, I live in a 1,000 sq. ft. loft downtown with open rooms and no doors - sorry, Brianne.  So, I'm a little OCD and when I place things somewhere and they become slightly askew I get a bit twitchy - sorry, Brianne.  Starting to see a pattern?  I seriously feel for this girl.  She's moving in with a mad man.  She has no idea that she is moving in with Felix Ungar (extra points if you get the reference) and no matter how cleanly or organized she is I'll see her as Oscar Madison (no points here, you probably just googled it anyways).  I mean, I've been through this a handful of times with both roommates and spouses and know that I am just "hard to live with.".  This was never really expressed during occupancy, but was almost always brought up after we had parted ways.  And, honestly, I could always think of three words to sum up my feelings about the situation - two of those words were 'go' and 'yourself'.  I guess the difference this time around is I actually care.  I find myself going out of my way trying to appease or avoid certain situations that would cause tension.  Am I learning from previous mistakes?  I doubt it.  I just like this girl.  Like, a lot.  As I stated in the 'pregnancy' section I am fairly ecstatic about our plight (that's a Jiminy word, he slips out sometimes).  In fact, I embrace the change.  


#craftbrew #beerporn  If you follow my instagram (shameless plug) you'll know that I have an interest in craft beer.  If you've ever been in my place you'll know I have an obsession with the stuff.  I think I fell in love with the unique labels and bottles each brewery produced long before the contents.  I have always appreciated good beer, but it took a while to build up my palette and overall knowledge enough to do the contents of these 22 oz. beauties any good. In the past 6 or so months I've sampled something like 200 unique brews from all over the world and broken them down through the Beer Advocate scale (1-5 in Appearance, Smell, Taste, Mouthfeel, Overall).  It had become sort of a nightly treat to go home, get my menial tasks completed, and plop down on a couch with a new and exciting bottle.  I liked it so much I had completely tapped the local (tri-state) beer selection out.  There wasn't a new label within 300 miles and I thought the bulk of my journey was over.  Enter LetsPour (craft beer connoisseur heaven, seriously check this site out) and its seemingly endless selection...  Well, folks, July 10th I made a deal with Brianne to abstain from alcohol through her pregnancy in a somewhat misguided show of solidarity.  When I realized I have a bottle of Deschutes Brewery Dissident nearing maturity, yeah this beer is so good you have to wait at least a year for it to bottle condition, so I quickly contacted Deschutes to see if this treasure was going to go bad in the bottle and be a waste.  The good people at Descutes quickly assured me that almost all beers are cellarable at the right temperature and light conditions.  Tragedy averted.  I can still acquire these jewels and the ambrosia contained inside without fear of spoilage.  I have a couple friends that come over and when they do I feel compelled to make them drink these beers so I can live vicariously through them.  Because of that my cellar isn't growing nearly as quickly as it should, but it does look promising - like the bulk of my life.  

[Pelican Brewing Tsunami Stout, Iron Horse Brewery "Irish Death" Dark Smooth Ale, Port Brewing Midnight Expression Lager, Firestone Walker Double Barrel Ale, Firestone Walker Black Rye IPA, St. Ambrose Oatmeal Stout, Great Divide Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti, Dogfish Head Tweason'ale, Dogfish Head Festina Peche, Dogfish Head Burton Baton, Elysian Oddland Series Spiced Pear Ale, Elysian Night Owl, Elysian Dark O' The Moon, Elysian Immortal IPA, No Li Born & Raised IPA, Alaskan IPA, AleSmith Nut Brown Ale, AleSmith Speedway Stout, AleSmith X Pale Ale, Stone Double Bastard, Stone IPA, Stone Smoked Porter, Stone Coconut IPA, Stone 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung, Rogue St. Rogue Red Ale, Rogue Beard Beer, Speakeasy Double Daddy IPA, Speakeasy Prohibition Ale, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Big Sky Brewing Brush Tail Farmhouse Ale, Deschutes Dissident, Deschutes Black Butte XXV]

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