Yep, that's right. Not only did this beautiful girl and I start dating, but we got a little (read: huge) surprise almost right away. The picture pretty much sums it up, we're pregnant, and I can't even begin to put into words how immediately terrifying it is thinking about raising a child when you view yourself as one.
What if there is only one bag of fruit snacks left? I bought them, they should be mine, but I bet the baby will get all the sympathy. I shudder to think of the vain, vapid, and selfish thoughts that will fill my internal monologue. Aside from my internal monologue (we'll refer to him as Jiminy from now on (you know, like Jiminy Cricket?? (like the anthropomorphization of our conscience
?????))) I felt an intense swell in pride and, for lack of a better word, manliness. Other than what Jiminiy said, and let's face it he's a sarcastic asshole, I had an internalization that this experience would allow me to become the man I've always wanted to be. A co-worker with kids once told me something to the effect of "when you have kids you just try to get into their twenties while inflicting as few psychological scars as possible". Seems like good advice. Back to that 'man I want to be' thing... still trying to figure out exactly what that is, but for now suffice it to say I want to be able to juggle the following: providing for my family, excelling in my career, possibly opening my own business
(another blog entry in itself
), maintaining and participating in meaningful friendships, eating healthy, playing/performing music, and countless other things including becoming POTUS. Funny thing is I can't even juggle to begin with. All jest aside this is something I'm immensely excited about and am sure will become the topic of many later blogs if I ever have time - which I've been told emphatically "